
Ultherapy® is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment designed to rejuvenate the appearance of skin without the need for incisions, injectables, or extended downtime. Also called Ulthera®, this state-of-the-art procedure works to lift, tighten, and smooth skin in targeted areas (such as the face, neck, and chest) through the controlled delivery of ultrasonic energy into deep foundational layers. This energy helps to stimulate natural collagen growth and fortify tissues, ultimately creating a more youthful aesthetic on the surface of the skin with lasting, natural-looking results.

What Areas of the Body Can Be Treated?

Ultherapy® is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help tighten skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the following areas:

  • Above the brow
  • Beneath the chin (submental region)
  • Neck
  • Décolletage and chest

The Ultherapy® Procedure

Board-certified plastic surgeon Daniel C. Mills, MD was one of the first practitioners in the country to offer Ultherapy®, and he has passed along his extensive treatment knowledge and expertise to our skilled med spa team here at Laguna Beach Rejuvenation & Wellness. To begin the procedure, the Ulthera® device will be guided gently overtop the targeted region as it delivers micro-focused ultrasound waves into the skin’s subcutaneous layer. This controlled energy works to heat foundational tissues at particular depths until they reach an optimal temperature for the simulation of natural collagen growth. As it continues to be produced, this newly generated collagen helps to progressively tighten, lift, and strengthen the skin for a rejuvenated appearance.

Advancements in Ulthera® technology have led to increased patient comfort throughout the treatment process. Depending on the number of areas and specific concerns being addressed, Ultherapy® generally takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Recovery and Results from Ultherapy®

Following the procedure, there may be some degree of swelling and/or bruising initially, but these temporary side effects should dissipate relatively quickly and can often be concealed with makeup. Due to Ultherapy®’s non-invasive nature, most patients are able to resume normal daily routines without any downtime or recovery period. The rejuvenative effects of treatment should gradually improve over the course of a few weeks as the body continues to generate new collagen, and final results are usually fully evident after about two to three months.

Typically, only one Ultherapy® session is needed to achieve an ideal outcome. In some cases—particularly when reducing décolletage wrinkles—combining treatment with Cutera® Excel V laser therapy may be recommended to further improve one’s results.

Contact Our Laguna Beach Med Spa

For more information about Ultherapy, or if you would like to find out if this non-surgical skin tightening technique is right for you, please contact Laguna Beach Rejuvenation & Wellness to schedule a consultation today.

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